FAA Part 107 (effective Aug 29, 2016) - Commercial Drone Flight Operations

DISCLAIMER:     The data shown hereon is for informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the Remote Pilot in Command to ensure that all FAA Part 107 Rules and Regulations are being followed and that the appropriate Sectional Charts, Notam’s, Weather Briefing, Temporary Flight Restrictions, Airspace Authorization, etc. have been reviewed.

To survey with a Drone several things need to be in place.

Here is a quick overview:

FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot License (Step 1)

A fixed or rotary wing Drone (Step 2)

Photography and Ground Control (Step 3)

Desktop or cloud-based mapping software (Step 4)

Unique Drone Charts

Download Cross Section

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

FAA.gov/uas/ - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

FAA.gov/uas/media - Part 107 Summary

Charts - Aeronautical & Terminal Charts  

Guide - Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide

Notams - Notice to Airman

Weather - Aviation Weather Center

Waiver - Request waiver and Airspace Authorization

Registration - Drone Registration

Military Base and Airport Facility Maps - Restrictions and Airspace Facility Grids

State of Arizona

ARS 13-2329 - Drone: Unlawful operation, state preemption, classifications, city parks



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